Ready to partner to create the business and life you envision?

Founder Coaching:

I offer intimate 1-on-1 coaching to support your growth and evolution as your company expands. After all, your company will only grow to the point of your own growth. Through our work together, we'll identify strengths, areas for development, and actions to help you:

  • Clarify your vision and strategy for growth

  • Make empowered decisions amid complexity

  • Cultivate trust and communication across your team

  • Safeguard your personal freedom

  • Expand your leadership presence and impact to grow your business

My coaching combines straightforward feedback with mindfulness, planning, and identifying practical next steps so you show up at your best, even during chaotic times. I've guided many founders to feel more confident and impactful in their evolving leadership role.

Team Development

I help teams build trust, communication, and performance through immersive team retreats designed around your needs.

During our time together in a rejuvenating environment, we’ll do deep work around:

  • Establishing psychological safety

  • Fostering authentic communication

  • Clarifying roles and responsibilities

  • Aligning on goals and metrics

  • Optimizing processes for collaboration

  • Strengthening relationships and connections

  • Cultivating leadership capabilities

  • Boosting engagement and accountability

My facilitation combines proven frameworks, customized exercises, open dialogue, and experiential activities with you as an active participant. Teams emerge with improved cohesion, focus, and commitment to collective growth. We cover serious ground together in a human-centered way.

Strategic Planning

I partner with leaders and their teams to create focused 1-3 year strategic plans that map out where to take their business next.

My facilitated strategic planning process entails:

  • Establishing a compelling vision for the future

  • Assessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities

  • Setting goals across marketing, operations, finance, team growth

  • Defining key initiatives and milestones necessary to achieve goals

I draw upon proven frameworks along with my insight garnered from years of experience. Together, we identify the key evolutionary steps needed to create your vision and drive meaningful progress.

The outcome is a comprehensive strategic plan detailing your objectives, targets, projects, and actions across all areas of the business. With clear direction, your team can boldly align efforts toward future success.

If you're seeking focus and commitment to unlock the next level of growth, let's craft a strategic plan together.

Are you ready for a personalized approach to reaching your next level?

Are you ready for a personalized approach to reaching your next level?

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