Not the formula!

CEO and Leadership Development that Transforms Your Life and Business

I help you untangle the knots that arise with expansion

and weave more harmony into your organization.

Vision Realignment

As a Founder, you can sometimes lose your way in the pursuit of growth, often without even realizing it. One day, after years of hard work, you might wake up feeling disconnected from the business you've built.

CEO Development

Do you feel like you're being pulled in multiple directions and constantly putting out fires? It happens when your business outpaces your leadership and operations. It's a common hurdle for founders transitioning to the role of CEO.

Operational Upleveling

Building a winning team is most often the biggest obstacle to business growth. Do you have high turn over, low morale, or are you constantly frustrated by team drama, miscommunications and a lack of accountability?

Tell me if any of this resonates with you...


You've reached a pivotal moment where reactive decision-making is no longer serving your growth.

To evolve gracefully, you must shape your next phase proactively. But, let's face it - you don't have enough hours in the day or specialized skills to pivot all ventures into savvy planning and execution.


The path ahead may feel lonely without support.

Your team seeks your leadership, yet who do you turn to when you have doubts?
You find yourself making countless decisions daily, with everyone relying on you for answers. It's tiring and saps your energy. However, the reality is, there's no one you can turn to for help in sharing the load.


You need a thoughtful partner who has walked this road before.

Someone to listen and empower you with wisdom based in experience not just theory. You recognize you don't know what you don't know and the risk of walking blind into opportunity no longer feels comfortable to you. You want someone that can see the blindspots and is willing to lead you in truth and not sugarcoat the challenges.

Working together for your freedom!

My time steadying the ladder for founders climbing to 7 and 8-figures has given me a honed sense for the delicate balance required to scale a business while staying true to one's purpose.

What I live for and how I have been useful to others like you:

Ardith Rademacher

Ardith Rademacher & Associates, Inc.

Steph has had such a powerful impact on me as a business leader and my business growth.

She is the best at identifying how I get in my own way and clearly and compassionately giving me tools to move forward and not stay stuck. While compassionate, she will never hesitate to share her insights and call out my excuses. This combination builds a professional trust that few foster as well.

She has led her own team with the same tools that she teaches me to lead mine. She is a voracious learner and implements new ideas quickly, testing to retain and teach what works. She is selfless in sharing what she knows and remarkable at learning from every person she interacts with.

Every time I invest my resources with Steph, I am reminded of what ROI should look like. It provides more value than you can ever imagine.

Daniel Bedard

Executive Director at Carolina Family Estate Planning

Steph is on my short list of people-to-call-when-it-seems-like-the-sky-is-falling.

She has also helped me grow professionally and personally so the sky doesn't seem to fall as much as it used to. What makes her so good at this?

  • She always operates from a place of compassion and poise. She is direct--she's not going to shy away from a challenging topic and tell you what you want to hear--but she will also meet you where you are. It is apparent that she tells the truth out of a sincere desire to see her clients succeed and live their best lives.

  • She knows her stuff. She always seems to know how to help. She takes dozens of resources on business topics and distills them into actionable plans I as a busy business owner can actually implement.

  • She doesn't get pulled into the drama or the weeds. She excels at helping the business owner see the objective truth of the situation and also what subjective bias (or headtrash) the business owner is bringing to the situation. And then she asks questions to help figure out what to do next.

Steph has a calming and empowering presence. I highly recommend Steph as a business consultant and personal coach for anyone who owns or has significant decision-making responsibilities in a business. Steph is someone I trust to help me navigate every type of challenge that comes up.

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